Upfrading from Ubuntu 14.03 to Ubuntu 16.0

Peter petergoggin at bigpond.com
Mon Aug 1 03:51:56 UTC 2016

I have three Lenovo lsaptops. I am ubpgrading from 14.04 to 16.04. On 
the first two (an X61s and aT400) the installation stalled and the 
machine crashed. Despite following the various suggestions to complete 
the installations. I finished up restoring 14.04 and then using my 
backups to restore my data. I both cases the problem arose because the 
upgrade script halted at installing MS fonts.

I have a third machine, a lenovo t400. I upgraded this on Sunday for 
14.04 to 16.04 with no problem. The upgrade script did not halt at the 
MsFonts install and completed correctly, leaving my Home directories intact.

After fully checking the X61s and backing up the home directory I 
decided to try the upgrade again. This time it completed successfully 
with no hitch.  I then upgraded the first of the T400, again with no 
hitch and full preservation of my data.

Was there any modification made to the upgrade script, after Saturday 
which could explain this?


Peter Goggin

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