Wireless on custom live CD not working

Karl Auer kauer at biplane.com.au
Sat Apr 9 10:40:56 UTC 2016

On Sat, 2016-04-09 at 03:08 -0700, Tony Baechler wrote:
> I'm changing the subject for clarity.

By replying to a message and changing the subject you "hijack" the
thread. In threaded email readers, your messages (and replies to them)
will all appear as part of the original thread, but they are not.
Thread drift is one thing, but hijacking is rude.

If you feel the need to change the subject, you should start a new
thread, not reply to an existing one.

> Are there better alternatives to NM which will
> automatically configure the network with DHCP
> and detect wireless?

You can do pretty much all networking via /etc/network/interfaces. It's
not as dynamic as NM, but it's very powerful. The stanza you want looks
something like this:

   auto wlan0
   iface wlan0 inet dhcp
      wireless-mode managed
      wireless-essid Your-SSID
      wireless-key Your-PSK

... and if you want a static address, mask etc you can use the same
configuration items as for ethernet, just use "inet static" instead of
"inet dhcp".

It will work alongside NM, too - NM will ignore any interface mentioned
in/etc/network/interfaces. After you make changes, just restart NM. No
need to reboot usually.

The above is off the top of my head; I'm sure Uncle Google can provide
more accurate/comprehensive examples.

I've had very few problems with NM. I do generally disable dnsmasq for
better control of name resolution. I tried wicd for a while, but it
didn't support IPv6, so I had to drop it. IMHO NM is a pretty good

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (kauer at biplane.com.au)

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