wetransfer on a browser other than chrome ?
Bas G. Roufs En. @ BasRoufs.eu
basroufs at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 09:58:45 UTC 2016
> Another problem with ubuntu 12.04 32-bit.
As far as I know, support for 12.04 will stop 5 years after April 2012, which is
April 2017. I would advise to backup all the data and to freshly install 14.04 or
later on 16.04.
> It seems there's a transfer / cloud storage company
> out there "wetransfer" (wetransfter.com).
> Now, I have another nagging problem.
> Clients tell me that if they have a lot of stuff to send,
> they can only send the files via google chrome.
I frequently use WETRANSFER: via Firefox at a 32 bits version of Kubuntu 14.04. I
think, any 32 bits version of *Ubuntu 14.04 together with Firefox is able to
transfer large quantities of files via wetransfer.com.
There are also lots of alternatives for WETRANSFER.
> As we all probably know by now, google has
> stopped supporting the browser for 32-bit versions
> of ubuntu.
Alternatives: Firefox, Opera, Reqonq, etc.
> Needless to say that it doesn't work with "more"
> files on firefox. Only with a handful of them.
As I said, I have been transferring heaps of files via Firefox, up to 1GB or so.
*/Bas G. Roufs/*
Utrecht, NL, EU, BasRoufs.eu[1] & Viaconsensus.nl[2]
E.: bas at basroufs.eu, M./SMS: +31 6 446 835 10.
[1] http:/basroufs.eu/
[2] http://viaconsensus.nl
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