New authorization required for mundane activities

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at
Mon Sep 28 01:02:29 UTC 2015

Starting today, with whatever update came in since Friday, every time
I plug in a flash drive, I get a root authorization window popup
requesting I input my admin access password to mount the drive.

This appears to come from org.freedesktop.udisks2.filesystem-mount,
except that that is (obviously) not a valid URL, nor is it just

IMNSHO, it's bad enough I have to run thunar non-stop (I almost never
actually use it) to have the system recognize my removable drives when
I plug them in.  That is still necessary (the system doesn't see the
drive or acknowledge it unless I do).  This is another step in the
wrong direction.

Where do I file a bug for this wonderful new feature?


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