Backup failure

Brandon Vincent Brandon.Vincent at
Sun Sep 27 10:12:40 UTC 2015

On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 2:37 AM,  <silver.bullet at> wrote:
> I need to mention that assumed tar would preserve attributes, there
> would be the need to use sudo, since setting attribute bits requires
> sudo too, so my first example was wrong, anyway, as shown by my
> second example, attributes are not preserved even when using sudo.

GNU tar will likely never support the preservation of
GNU/Linux-centered filesystem attributes since it is designed to be
cross-platform. The filesystem attributes for GNU/Linux filesystems
are not found in the majority of other *nix operating systems, so
introducing the option would serve little purpose. How do you handle
restoring files to a filesystem that does not support such filesystem
attributes? It would cause confusion with the end user.

Brandon Vincent

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