Maildir/Postfix/Dovecot question

Petter Adsen petter at
Fri Sep 25 14:35:52 UTC 2015

I recently set up a local Dovecot server at home, using getmail to pull
down mail from various accounts and place them in Dovecot's maildir
tree with the Dovecot 'deliver' program.

System mail, however, output from cron jobs etc, is still handled by
Postfix and placed in a standard mbox mail spool.

Can I just configure Postfix to instead deliver its mail into the same
maildir tree that Dovecot uses, or could that cause some sort of
conflict? If it can cause problems, can I get Postfix to hand mail over
to the Dovecot 'deliver' binary? The second approach would actually be
preferable, because then mail would get passed through the Dovecot
sieve filters.

What's the best/right way to do this?


"I'm ionized"
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive."

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