System not running right

silver.bullet at silver.bullet at
Tue Sep 22 18:13:08 UTC 2015

On Tue, 22 Sep 2015 20:10:17 +0200, silver.bullet at wrote:
>On Tue, 22 Sep 2015 10:06:20 -0700, Brandon Vincent wrote:
>>On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 9:50 AM, Scott Blair <scott.blair at>
>>> It is my external backup drive. All our pictures, movies, music,
>>> software and other stuff is on it.
>>Disconnect that drive and start thinking about backup solutions.
>An external HDD is a good backup media for averaged home computer
>usage. I'm using a Green Western Digital drive for this purpose, but I
>care about two things:
>1. A backup drive should only be connected temporarily for the backups.
>2. If it's for some reasons connected for a longer period of time, then
>ensure that odd software that's known to damage green drives is purged.
>I for example install an empty dummy package to fulfil gvfs hard
>dependencies. Gvfs, libfm, udisks2 and other software is known to wake
>up green drives, so the HDDs will spin down and up again and again.
>Gvfs needs to be completely removed, but for example libfm and udisks2
>could be installed, they just need special attention. KDE apps are
>trick too, once you run K3b or Ark, even while not running KDE,
>something similar to gvfs damages green drives by waking them up too.
>My drive spins down after 30 minutes and stays asleep, since I removed
>all this odd software, or at least managed the behaviour of this
>software. If I wouldn't have done this, then my drive would go to sleep
>after 30 minutes and already be waked up again, by e.g. gvfs. IOW it
>would spin down and up every 30 minutes.

I forgot to mention, since you installed smartctl and Ubuntu's policy is
to autostart everything, you need to disable smartd, otherwise smartd
will damage your green drive. Assumed you should use a green drive.

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