Drawing vector graphics using a command line

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at gmail.com
Mon Sep 21 20:21:23 UTC 2015

2015-09-21 17:55 GMT+02:00 Douglas Pollard <dougpol2 at gmail.com>:

> This is maybe off topic, But Linux CNC wil draw on screen almost anything
> you can think of and it comes in ubuntu.  I believe it can be run in camand
> line as well. I designed a couple boats and built them to sell.   Works
> great for some things.  Doug
> On 09/21/2015 09:51 AM, Liam Proven wrote:
>> On 20 September 2015 at 21:52, John D Lamb <J.D.Lamb at johndlamb.net>
>> wrote:
>>> On 20/09/15 13:44, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
>>>> Anyone know of a tool to create SVG files (or similar) using some kind
>>>> of macro or command line?
>>> Two suggestions.
>>> First, if you can tolerate encapsulated postscript, you can use LaTeX.
>>> The
>>> following is an example I used recently:
>>> \documentclass{article}
>>> \usepackage{mathptmx}
>>> %% Pictures
>>> \usepackage{pst-pdf,pst-node}
>>> \begin{document}
>>> \begin{pspicture}[showgrid=false](0,0)(2,2)
>>>    \psset{arrows=->}
>>>    \rput(0.529,0.353){\dotnode{V1}}
>>>    \rput(1.470,0.353){\dotnode{V2}}
>>>    \rput(1.712,1.247){\dotnode{V3}}
>>>    \rput(1.000,1.800){\dotnode{V4}}
>>>    \rput(0.239,1.247){\dotnode{V5}}
>>>    \ncline[linestyle=dashed]{V1}{V2}
>>>    \ncline{V3}{V2}
>>>    \ncline{V4}{V3}
>>>    \ncline{V5}{V4}
>>>    \ncline{V1}{V5}
>>> \end{pspicture}
>>> \end{document}
>>> This draws a pentagon with dashed and solid lines and nodes at the
>>> vertices.
>>> To convert to pdf use estopdf.
>>> I used to write raw PostScript. But I rarely do this now that the LaTeX
>>> PSTricks packages do what I want for simple graphics and R can handle the
>>> really complex stuff.
>>> Second, IIRC SVG is a language you can just write. Have a look at some of
>>> these examples: http://www.w3schools.com/svg/svg_examples.asp. I have
>>> written some SVGs several years back, but usually I need pdf or eps
>>> format
>>> nowadays.
>> The trusty standby xterm, preloaded onto almost all Linux distros,
>> supports Tektronix graphics terminal drawing commands...
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2114347/raster-graphics-in-xterm
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Ok, that was a couple of nice hints, thank you for those, everyone! I will
sure try at least some of them.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg
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