generic ISO-to-bootable-USB creator?

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Fri Sep 11 05:29:05 UTC 2015

11 September 2015  at 15:02, Karl Auer wrote:
generic ISO-to-bootable-USB creator (at least in part)

>I've googled around, but reports are conflicting.

I've used "Universal Usb Installer"

for ages and it has always worked fine, it does run under Windows (I dual boot) 
and creates many Bootable OS's, according to the requirments it will also run 
in Wine if you don't have any Windowz

Its simple enough to use (even for a Windowz user ;->) just insert the usb, 
stat the installer, select which OS you want to create, and select your ISO, 
the rest is automatic 

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