Offtopic message (Invitation to The 6th FOSS International Workshop)

Jared Norris jrnorris at
Thu Oct 8 07:29:29 UTC 2015

On 8 October 2015 at 10:03, Amaury Viera Hernández <avhernandez at>

> Hello to everyone. As you can read in the subject, this message is off
> topic,

Hello, the fact that you are aware this is off topic but still decide to
post is concerning. Please be aware that this list is for Ubuntu technical
support and the details of what that covers is outlined in the FAQ [1]. Can
you please refrain from posting similar messages in the future.

For your benefit, and the rest of the subscribers, I would highly recommend
that instead you send messages of this nature to a relevant LoCo [2] team.
These people are much more likely to attend and can help publicise relevant
events in their area.



Jared Norris
On behalf of the moderation team
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