dealing with a slightly flaky USB drive; unkillable bash process

Adam Funk a24061 at
Thu Oct 1 12:31:10 UTC 2015

On 2015-09-29, Liam Proven wrote:

> On 25 September 2015 at 17:25, Adam Funk <a24061 at> wrote:
>> Do I then need to create a partition on the new drive with exactly the
>> same size as the partition on the old one?
> You're not creating anything. You're *copying* the old drive to the new.

Are you saying I need to do
ddrescue <options> /dev/sdc /dev/sdd path/to/logfile
rather than
ddrescue <options> /dev/sdc2 /dev/sdd1 path/to/logfile
(for example)?

In other words, recover the whole drive rather than just the partition
I'm interested in?  (I guess if the new drive is bigger than the old
one, it just ends up with unused space after the partitions.)


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