ATTENTION!: How do I Automount an Hard dRive in my Computer in Ubuntu?

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Fri Nov 27 20:15:12 UTC 2015

On Fri, 27 Nov 2015 13:10:42 -0600, Simon Quigley wrote:
>In my honest opinion, it is up to the person asking this question
>about whether or not he would like to learn more. If so, look at
>Ralf's answer. If you just want a very quick answer to just get
>something done, look at my previous solution.


the OP should be aware that your quick answer is not securer, since
if no fsck is done, the risk to lose data is much higher, then when
following the Ubuntu help and to automatically enforce fsck from time to

Assumed the OP wants to follow an entirely wrong advise, not to learn
fundamental basics, the OP should consider to at least care about the
last number provided by the /etc/mtab line.

/etc/mtab likely shows "0" but it's wise to replace it with "2".

Do yourself a favour and at least read this chapter from the provided
link to the Ubuntu help:

"Pass (fsck order)

Fsck order is to tell fsck what order to check the file systems, if set
to "0" file system is ignored.

Often a source of confusion, there are only 3 options :

    0 == do not check.
    1 == check this partition first.
    2 == check this partition(s) next 

In practice, use "1" for your root partition, / and 2 for the rest. All
partitions marked with a "2" are checked in sequence and you do not
need to specify an order.

Use "0" to disable checking the file system at boot or for network

You may also "tune" or set the frequency of file checks (default is
every 30 mounts) but in general these checks are designed to maintain
the integrity of your file system and thus you should strongly consider
keeping the default settings." -


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