Does Linux Mint Have a Live DVD?

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Fri Nov 27 10:39:43 UTC 2015

On Tue, 24 Nov 2015 08:30:48 -0500, Teo En Ming wrote:
>I have checked the Linux Mint official website. It says that Linux
>Mint is based on Ubuntu and Debian Linux.

It is not an Ubuntu flavour.

If you have an issue and wish to get help, how to solve this issue,
then at least use a smart subject, e.g. mentioning live media in
general and/or codecs.

For support regarding Mint, ask the Mint community.

More information about Ubuntu and it's flavours:

When you subscribed to this list, you got this information:

"What is this list for?

ubuntu-users is a mailing list staffed by volunteer community members
to provide technical support to Ubuntu Users.

Users of Ubuntu and officially supported derivatives (Kubuntu,
Edubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu) can get support here. Users of derivatives
(such as Backtrack and Linux Mint) are not officially supported." - -->

Sure, some requests are that generally that this community even could
help a Suse or Fedora user, but questions dedicated to Mint are
inappropriate. You might get help that fits to Ubuntu, but might break
your Mint install.



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