Does Linux Mint Have a Live DVD?

Teo En Ming teo.en.ming at
Tue Nov 24 13:30:48 UTC 2015

Dear Ubuntu Users,

I have checked the Linux Mint official website. It says that Linux
Mint is based on Ubuntu and Debian Linux.

The reason why I want to use a Linux Mint Live DVD is that it has
multimedia support out of the box (H.264 and H.265 codecs are
installed by default). I have used Fedora and Ubuntu Live DVDs but
they don't have multimedia support out of the box. When I tried to
install H.264 and H.265 codecs on Fedora 21 Workstation Live DVD, the
installation failed saying that the codecs were already installed but
it wasn't.

I would like to give the latest Ubuntu Live DVD a try but I am not
sure whether it supports H.264 and H.265 codecs out of the box because
I want to play 4K Ultra HD MP4 videos.

The reason why I want to use a Linux Live DVD is because Windows 10
Home Edition warned me on 17 Nov 2015 at 4:14 AM that my C:\ drive
Toshiba 2 TB harddisk is going to fail soon. As a matter of fact, my
Windows 10 installation cannot start at all. I have already bought a
brand new Seagate 3 TB 3.5 inch internal harddisk and connected it to
my computer using a SATA to USB 3.0 converter/connector. My new
Seagate 3 TB harddisk will be detected as a USB harddisk. I wanted to
boot up my computer using a Linux Live DVD and move/copy out whatever
data from my failing Toshiba 2 TB harddisk to my brand new Seagate 3
TB harddisk. I suspect that there is little to no data corruption but
the servo or rotating mechanism on my Toshiba 2 TB harddisk is going
to fail soon, because the data transfer speed from the Toshiba 2 TB
harddisk is very very slow. Sometimes moving or copying data out from
the Toshiba 2 TB harddisk to my new Seagate 3 TB harddisk can grind to
a halt (ie. data transfer speed of 0 bytes/sec).

Please advise me which Linux Live DVD has multimedia support out of
the box (no need to install codecs separately) and is able to playback
4K Ultra HD MP4 video files as well. Because I want to watch 4K videos
while transferring data from my failing Toshiba 2 TB harddisk to my
new Seagate 3 TB harddisk which is going to take a very long time,
possibly days to a week or more.

Thank you very much for your kind attention and advise.

Yours sincerely.

Subtle Denial of Medical Treatment by the Singapore Government for Mr.
Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming)
24 November 2015 Tuesday 9:31 PM SIngapore Time

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