A Postfix configuration question

David Fletcher dave at thefletchers.net
Mon Nov 23 22:07:45 UTC 2015

BTW I just started taking a look at my server setup notes. There's a
load of stages in setting it up from a blank hard drive including
restoring all my email and other files.

When installing postfix, it asks a question about exactly how you will
be using it. The relevant line from my personal installation procedure
reads "Select the option for sending mail out plus receiving using
fetchmail (internet with smarthost).". This enables me to both relay
email out and receive email using, having received advice, getmail4
rather than fetchmail, plus receive email directly from the Internet
using my domain name, the noip service and an edit of my MX record.

Answering the postfix installer question correctly will, I believe, go a
long way to giving you a suitable main.cf which only needs relatively
minor tweaks.


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