Boot order problem...

Larry larryesu at
Fri Nov 20 16:00:35 UTC 2015

On 11/19/2015 10:57 PM, Tommy Trussell wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 5:01 PM, Larry <larryesu at
> <mailto:larryesu at>> wrote:
>     *Hello all, I m hoping that there is another user, using a Asus
>     laptop model x553ma? My problem is that in the BIOS my CD rom does
>     not show up so I can change it to boot first...Yet when in Windoz
>     file folder it shows D as the cd/rom...So Windoz sees it, why does
>     my BIOS not showing it...??? This is why I can't change the boot
>     order...
>     Any help would be very helpful so I can boot up LINUX...
>     *
>     *
>     *
> I don't have your model but I used Google to search for your issue and
> found this:
> This article indicates you need to go into the BIOS settings and turn
> CSM to ON and Secure Boot to OFF to bypass the UEFI restrictions. (You
> may need to switch them back to boot into Windows again, though I am
> just speculating.)
> g
> If you run into other issues, try some specific searches using your
> model name and "ubuntu." Many laptops require special software or
> adjustments to get all the features working properly.
> Feel free to ask here, too.

Thanks Tom, I will try your suggestion though I have Googled many sites 
yet really no help at all...


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