Curious case of read-only flash drive

Colin Law clanlaw at
Fri Nov 20 09:10:02 UTC 2015

On 20 November 2015 at 01:18, MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at> wrote:
> I have a Toshiba 64GB USB3 flash drive that was working perfectly
> until a couple of days ago.  I had reformatted it to NTFS because I
> needed to transport files >2GB between my Xubuntu machines and Win7
> machines, and I thought that was the only way.
> At one point, I may have removed it from a Windows machine before the
> safe to remove process had completed, even though it /said/ it was
> safe to remove.
> Since then, the drive claims it is read-only and I have yet to find a
> way to undo that and make it usable again.

Have you checked for a switch on the side of the stick allows you to
write protect it?


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