need help to reinstall libjpeg62:amd64 6b1-4ubuntu1 in ubuntu 14.04

silver.bullet at silver.bullet at
Sat Nov 14 12:33:59 UTC 2015

On Sat, 14 Nov 2015 07:20:41 -0500, Donald F. Parsons wrote:
>The software updater does not complete the updating because the above 
>file is in very bad shape.
>I will appreciate assistance in correcting this

Regarding the Ubuntu packages search you're using either Trusty or
Vivid. What does it mean "the above file is in very bad shape"? You
should post the output you get from the updater or much better copy and
paste the output you get, if you run the following in a terminal:

  sudo -i
  apt-get update
  apt-get install -f
  apt-get dist-upgrade
  apt-get install libjpeg62


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