Starter doesn't found (Desktop)

Colin Law clanlaw at
Mon Nov 2 21:13:48 UTC 2015

On 2 November 2015 at 19:26, Sascha Manns <Sascha.Manns at> wrote:
> Hello list,
> i have a latex_curriculum_vitae.desktop file with that content:
> [Desktop Entry]
> Type=Application
> Name=Latex Curriculum Vitae
> GenericName=Job-Application Creator
> Comment=Job-Application Creator
> Exec=latexcv.rb
> Icon="/home/sascha/.rvm/rubies/default/share/latex_curriculum_vitae/Pictures/arbeitsagentur.png"
> Categories=Utility;Application;
> I copied that into my .local/share/applications, but sadly that
> application isn't available into the Ubuntu-Launcher.

That is the right place to put it but putting it there is not all you
need to do to get it into the launcher.  You first need to 'run' the
desktop.  The easiest way is probably to browse to it in Nautilus and
double click it.  That should open the application (if it won't open
then you may not have made it executable first, you can do this by
right clicking it and selecting properties).  Assuming it runs ok then
it will appear in the launcher.  Now right click it in the launcher
and select Lock to Launcher (or something similar).  Then it should
stay there.

> Also i tried to copy it into /usr/share/applications and a restart. But
> with the same result.

Only put it there if you want all users to be able to access it.


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