anacron (e.g., cron.daily) not working after upgrade to 15.04

Tony Baechler - BATS bats at
Wed May 20 08:19:04 UTC 2015


Yes, I would guess it's the lack of Upstart.  Just install upstart as
normal.  You'll probably get a warning which you can safely ignore.  I have
tried sysvinit, upstart and systemd and I like sysvinit best, but there
should be no problem switching back to Upstart for now.  Someone should
probably file a bug though as that error shouldn't be happening.

On 5/20/2015 1:04 AM, Adam Funk wrote:
> AFAICT from googling the error message, this seems to be caused by the
> switch from upstart to systemd, but I'm not sure how to fix it.  I see
> here [1] that it's possible just to switch back to upstart, but I
> wonder if that's a bad idea in the long term.  Otherwise, how do I get
> anacron working again?
> Thanks,
> Adam
> [1] 
> <>


Tony Baechler, CEO
Baechler Access Technology Support Services
mailto:bats at  <>

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