Making resolv.conf changes permanant

Tony Baechler - BATS bats at
Fri May 1 06:44:30 UTC 2015

On 2015-04-30 09:59 AM, William Scott Lockwood III wrote:
> Honestly, I've always found resolveconf to be an annoyance. After
> setting resolv.conf how I want it, I chattr +i it, problem solved for
> good.

I would agree.  As far as I can tell, you don't need resolvconf at all
unless you're on a laptop or other mobile device.  Like the poster above, I
always "chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf" when I get it to a working state that I

By the way, there are much better caching nameservers than bind9.  I can't
recommend any in particular because everyone is different, but I like
dnscache from djbdns (AKA dbndns).  Too bad it seems to no longer be
available in Trusty and Jessie.  Others are unbound and I think pdnsd.

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