Update Manager: do I need it?

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Mon Mar 16 14:17:44 UTC 2015

Am Montag, den 16.03.2015, 09:45 -0400 schrieb Robert Heller:
> I have a batch (10) of diskless workstations that mount their root (/) and
> /usr file systems read-only from a 'headless' server (actually a VM running
> 14.04), using DRBL. I ssh into the 'headless' server from time to time (weekly
> usually) and use apt-get update/upgrade/etc. + some scripts (drbl and my own)
> to update things across all of the machines. *Some* of the users on the
> diskless workstations are in the admin group, so they are sometimes 'bothered'
> by the Update Manager and the Update Manager seems to be hogging resources (eg
> beating on the network and/or NFS mounted disks). I am considering doing an
> 'apt-get remove update-manager' to get rid of the Update Manager -- *I* don't
> use it, since I am using (manual) CLI update procedures. Is this 'safe' to do?

i wouldn't remove it but just disable the cron jobs for it
in /etc/cron.daily and /etc/cron.weekly. as long as you do not do an LTS
to LTS upgrade just using apt-get dist-upgrade regular will be fine ...
in case you upgrade to a new release you should re-install it to manage
the upgrade for you though ... 


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