Feature Request - Inclusion of Rescue Mode in Desktop installation images

Tom H tomh0665 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 14 13:03:18 UTC 2015

On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 3:59 AM, Petter Adsen <petter at synth.no> wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Mar 2015 15:46:40, Bret Busby <bret at busby.net> wrote:

>> I do not know whether this is the appropriate forum for making a
>> feature request, and, I do not know whether the feature request has
>> previously been made, but, here goes...
>> I have lost the use of a computer, for about a month, now, due to
>> trying to install an additional operating system, that appears, to
>> me, to be a trojan horse.
>> The computer is a UEFI/GPT system.
>> The order of the operating systems that were installed, is
>> MS Windows 8
>> Debian Linux 7
>> Ubuntu 14.04
>> PC-BSD 10.1.1 (the trojan horse operating system)
>> The installation of the last opeating system, resulted in an
>> inoperable operating system, and, despite the options selected, being
>> unable to boot any previously installed operating system.
>> The only functionality of the software installed on that computer,
>> was being able to acess the GRUB CLI that was part of the PC-BSD
>> installation.
>> I could not find how, using the GRUB CLI, to restore the GRUB
>> bootloader, to allow me to boot into either Debian Linux or Ubuntu
>> Linux.
>> After multiple postings to the Debian Users list, and the GRUB Help
>> list, and, finding the the Debian installation iso image, included a
>> Rescue Mode, but that the Ubuntu 14.04 desktop installation iso
>> image, did not include a Rescue Mode, a person on the Debian Users
>> list, helpfully advised that he believed that the Ubuntu server
>> images, include a Rescue Mode.
>> So, after having lost a month, and, many hours, trying to repair the
>> system, then, after having donwloaded a Ubuntu 14.04 server iso
>> image, and written it to disk, I ran it in Rescue Mode, and, within a
>> (relatively) short time, rescued the system, and it now,
>> successfully, boots into Ubuntu, or Debian, as I choose (I have to
>> figure out, how to add the MS Win8, to the boot options).
>> So, my feature request is thus; can the Rescue Mode, that is
>> available on the Ubuntu server images, please be added to the Ubuntu
>> desktop images?
> Well, you already have the option of "Try Ubuntu" along with "Install
> Ubuntu" when you boot from the desktop image. If you choose "Try
> Ubuntu", you can launch shells and fix your problem from there.
> There are several guides on the net on how to bind mount existing
> partitions and fixing the boot loader, among other common problems.

It's worth filing an RFE bug to request that there be a "Repair"
option if not in the CD's/DVD's boot menu then as a button on the

>> It would be good, if it could be added to the next (sub-)release of
>> Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop; I believe that it would be Ubuntu 14.04.03
>> Desktop LTS.

It's unlikely to be on a 14.04 iso; possibly on a 15.10 one if a
developer picks up the RFE.

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