OK to delete/rename lost+found on disk?

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Thu Mar 12 06:29:59 UTC 2015

rikona wrote:
> Is it OK to delete/rename/change permissions for lost+found on disk
> [assuming I can - owned by root]? Opinions on the net range from 'OK'
> to 'h*ll no'.

Take this as just another opinion from the internet: Yes, you can delete 
lost+found as root. If you run e2fsck on the partition afterwards, it 
would recreate lost+found if it doesn't exist. Therefore it would only 
help, if you never run e2fsck.

> It looks as though 'permission denied' for this is what is causing my
> backups not to work correctly [was described in an earlier email]. If
> I can safely get rid of lost+found then perhaps grsync backups might
> start working properly...

Maybe you should change your backup script to exclude lost+found.


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