downloads stopped working

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Mon Mar 9 16:00:38 UTC 2015

On 03/09/2015 12:11 AM, rikona wrote:
> Recently updated 12.04, may have busted something --
> FF/download helper/youtube downloads stopped working. Apparently
> nothing gets dnloaded. FF36. Others see this too? If so, what's
> currently working for FF36 downloads preferably in mp4 format? I need
> to get some stuff to help a few choir members practice.

I don't use those apps so I can't give you any direct help, but I do 
know that FF36 has caused trouble for a lot of people. One of the devs 
working on Greasemonkey warned of problems ahead. Also if you were using 
javascript with iMacros launching a script from a bookmark would run 
twice. IMacros has been fixed so hopefully the authors of your 
problematic apps will be able to fix them.

Regards,  Jim

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