Upgrading to 15.04 beta

Colin Law clanlaw at gmail.com
Mon Mar 9 11:32:48 UTC 2015

On 9 March 2015 at 11:23, Petter Adsen <petter at synth.no> wrote:
> On Mon, 9 Mar 2015 11:04:11 +0000
> Colin Law <clanlaw at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 9 March 2015 at 10:54, Petter Adsen <petter at synth.no> wrote:
>> > ...
>> > OK, so I've tried. I did a boot of the Beta 1 image, and everything
>> > seemed fine, so I rebooted into 14.10 and ran the upgrade. Boom.
>> > Wouldn't boot. Not even with the old kernel, I just got a black
>> > screen after GRUB. Trying to figure it out, I rebooted from the
>> > 15.04 Beta 1 image again and installed it, without checking the box
>> > to download updates while installing. Booted fine. apt-get update
>> > && apt-get dist-upgrade - no boot.
>> Do you mean it will not boot with either the systemd or upstart
>> kernels? Is there anything in syslog in either case?
> It left the old kernel from 14.10, and it wouldn't boot with either
> kernel, with systemd nor upstart. I must admit I didn't take the time
> to mount the root fs and examine the logs, as I was in sort of a hurry
> to get the machine up and running again. Next time I install I will
> obviously do that, though.
> I've installed an extra disk, and intend to install 15.04 onto that
> later, so I can easily reboot into 14.10 and examine what happens.
> What I *did* find out, was that the magic sysrq keys worked. I was able
> to sync and reboot with those, so I didn't have to do a hard reset.
> What I don't know, is what that means. I would guess it just means that
> the kernel hadn't panicked?

Difficult to know without the log.  You can look at the log by booting
from live image.


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