have to update on a regular basis...why?

phil phil at philfixit.info
Sun Mar 8 09:35:11 UTC 2015

On 8/03/2015 8:25 PM, Colin Law wrote:
> On 8 March 2015 at 02:27, phil <phil at philfixit.info> wrote:
>> On 8/03/2015 1:13 PM, Dan Purgert wrote:
>>> On Sun, 08 Mar 2015 01:57:21 +0000, Thufir wrote:
>>>> Quite frequently when I go to install a package it can't be found, but
>>>> just running sudo apt-get update fixes that.  Why the constant need to
>>>> update?  It's not like the package was suddenly added.
>>>> thanks,
>>>> Thufir
>>> Updates your apt-repo list.  In theory, you shouldn't need to do this
>>> unless you're adding new PPAs or repos.  However, it's possible that apt-
>>> get has some form of age limit on the cached information anyway ... some
>>> quick google-fu didn't turn up anything though, and the man pages aren't
>>> exactly helpful either.
>> Thufir i just use a command like thus on a fairly regular basis:
>> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade &&
>> sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean && exit
> No need to run upgrade, dist-upgrade will do an upgrade plus anything
> else it needs to do.
> Colin
Ah many thanks Colin, in fact a quick rtfm quickly located the 
information, but for some reason i always thought there was a difference 
. . .


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