
Thufir hawat.thufir at
Sat Mar 7 23:43:37 UTC 2015

On Sat, 07 Mar 2015 12:18:19 +0000, Dan Purgert wrote:

> Now, you can probably go along with the apache directions, because the
> installation directories and names should be pretty much the same
> (barring major revisions, e.g. 1.x.x to 2.x.x).  If however, they are
> not, then add the version numbers you got from apt to your google
> searches, and it should give you the proper results.

Ok, thanks.  Since the spec's for JMS move so slowly, I don't foresee a 
problem.  Any pointers in gaining access to the console?  Or logs?  I 
deployed a hello world sample against the downloaded new version, but I'd 
like to use the apt version.

Only I wasn't sure how to start/stop, deploy, etc with the version 
installed from apt because the apache directions are geared towards 
assuming the downloaded version.



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