Upgrading to 15.04 beta

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Sat Mar 7 13:21:00 UTC 2015

Petter Adsen wrote:
> How good is the "do-release-upgrade -d" process from 14.10 to 15.04
> beta at this point? Is it somewhat "safe" to use, or should I rather
> download the latest image and do a reinstall?

Sorry, I have no idea because I try to stay with LTS versions. But from 
my experience with previous upgrades, I think it should be quite safe 
that late in the development cycle. But of course it is never guaranteed 
that the upgrade process works for every machine.

> I _do_ fully understand the risks of running a beta release, it is the
> upgrade process itself I am concerned about. Since I have a machine
> that isn't really used for anything critical, and I have daily
> backups of all data on it anyway, I thought I could use it to help
> find bugs and problems before 15.04 is to be released.

Then maybe you could experiment a bit and at first try to find bugs in 
the upgrade procedure? OK, I do know it is a bit tricky to return to the 
previous version if the upgrade fails. Therefore I have a spare 
partition and I copy the currently installed packages to that partition. 
Then I upgrade the system of that extra partition and if there is a 
problem, I can a) report upgrade bugs and b) easily return to my 
standard system because it is on a different partition.


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