Starting and stopping services at specific times using Upstart

Tom H tomh0665 at
Mon Mar 2 18:49:06 UTC 2015

On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 2:33 PM, Andrew Langhorn <andrew at> wrote:
>> I've never seen any "start on <time>" or "stop on <time>" capabilities
>> in upstart so you should use cron; at least until 15.04 (or 16.04 if
>> you use LTS) where you'll be able to use systemd timer units.
> Thanks Tom! To cron it is -- at least for the meantime.

You're welcome. The fact that systemd provides an alternative to cron
whilst upstart doesn't reminds me of one of the few interesting posts
in the debian-devel@ and debian-ctte@ "discussions" about systemd. A
DD said that upstart addresses known sysvinit problems in a minimal
way whereas systemd looks at the overall boot picture and creates new
interfaces accordingly.

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