Different kernels on my servers?

Knute Johnson ubuntu at knutejohnson.com
Wed Jun 10 17:27:03 UTC 2015

You mustn't have kernel metapackages installed on the 3.2 system (a 
12.04 kernel). Look into installing linux-image-generic and 

OK, so I installed those two packages (thanks to Nils also for 
suggesting that) and I now have a 3.13 and a 3.16 kernel.  I removed the 
old 3.2 kernel.

So one more question, the "utopic" kernel is not 14.04.2?  sktsee 
mentioned a "vivid" kernel?

I've been running along for years fat dumb and happy with my 3.2 
kernel.  I guess I need to pay a little more attention.

Thanks every body!


Knute Johnson

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