Forcing static address in 12.04
Karl Auer
kauer at
Mon Jun 8 05:31:13 UTC 2015
On Sun, 2015-06-07 at 21:42 -0700, rikona wrote:
> > - the output from "ifconfig | grep eth"
> Just gives HW address, which is as expected.
That's not the output; that's your interpretation of the output. Please
post the actual output.
> > - the output from "grep eth /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net-rules"
> no such file
That's unusual. Can you search for a file called "*persistent-net*" and
see if it is somewhere else?
> > - the output from "grep eth /etc/network/interfaces"
> auto eth0
> iface eth0 inet static
> but that's after the blow up, before it was different/dynamic
So you have not put things back the way they were before "the blow up"?
Maybe tell us the steps you followed to cause "the blow up"?
> > will not manage any interfaces that are defined
> > in /etc/network/interfaces.
> that was how it was initially
"initially"? You mean before the "blow up" or before you changed
> > - select the "Manual" method
> as soon as I do this the 'save' is grayed out
Yes - and it will stay that way until you enter valid details into the
rest of the fields. But if you don't have network manager any more it's
a moot point.
> I didn't try this - it was the only operating connection and I was
> afraid...
Hang on - do you or do you not now have network manager running?
> > In /etc/network/interfaces, put something like this:
> > auto eth0
> > iface eth0 inet static
> > address
> > netmask
> > gateway
> > dns-nameservers
> I tried this, with the right info, of course. This was in several net
> suggestions.
It is extremely unlikely that this would not work, *if* you have an eth0
interface and *if* you put correct configuration details in. Please post
the current contents of /etc/network/interfaces.
> I have a thought in retrospect - I copied from the net, then changed
> parts but not all. Could it be that the EOL or other chrs caused
> problems?
> > sudo restart network-manager
> got an error, didn't really understand it... didn't seem that bad
For goodness sake. What was the actual error? What is the point of
asking for help and then not providing information?!? If you "didn't
really understand it", what on Earth makes you think it "didn't seem
that bad?
> > Then bring up the interface manually:
> > sudo ifup eth0
> this is when the box blew up
What exactly does "blew up" mean? Please be specific. Very specific.
> Doesn't look that good to me, given the result. :-)))
Well it's a bit hard for us to tell, since you are not providing
NetworkManager is a complex hairball of kludges and shortcuts. For
dependability, go with /etc/network/interfaces every time.
> Agreed, and some are better than others. Figured this one out -
> operator error. One was supposed to be .....18 and I had it in as
> .....8 which was an address conflict. Worked OK when I did it
> correctly. Could have saved waiting 2+ hours on the phone too. [goes
> away grumbling...]
So is your problem now solved via a DHCP reservation?
Regards, K.
Karl Auer (kauer at
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