How to change scrolling in Ubuntu
Bret Busby
bret.busby at
Fri Jul 31 20:31:06 UTC 2015
In Ubuntu, in some applications, the standrad scrolling method, is
applicable, along the side or the bottom of the scroolable area, is a
bar thing, that can be drawn, with the pointing device, to the
position that the user wants, and, in that, the drawing is
continuously variable.
Howebver, in Ubuntu, the system scrolling method, involves not a
visble scrolling thing to be drawn with the pointing device, to where
the user wants, but is a discrete thing, that, when the user positions
the cursor over an appropriate edge of the "scrollable" area, a thing
with two arrow heads, is displayed, for the user to click on one of
the arrow heads, so the "scrollable" area will be moved, in discrete
distances of a screen at a time, and, it is not continuously variable,
but, being discrete, usually travels too far.
So, when Ubuntu applies this discrete form of "scrolling", does
provision exist, to cahnge, especially on a system-wide basis, the
scrolling, to the older way of the continuously variable scrolling,
with the bars that can be drawn using the pointing device, to move the
displayed area to where the user wants it to be?
If such provision exists, to reconfigure the scrolling, how can we
change the scrolling?
Thank you in anticipation.
Bret Busby
West Australia
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you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
A Trilogy In Four Parts",
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published by Pan Books, 1992
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