Ubuntu 12.04 changed itself to xubuntu and stopped working

silver.bullet at zoho.com silver.bullet at zoho.com
Fri Jul 31 17:52:36 UTC 2015

On Fri, 31 Jul 2015 14:43:36 +0200, Petter Adsen wrote:
>Absolutely, and in this case, using various distros and versions
>thereof, it could prove quite troublesome. A better way to do it would
>be to set up a shared partition/LV with data you do want to share in
>all installations, and set up symlinks pointing there from /home.

Indeed, I sometimes use links in /home/user to a mount point, but often
I directly access this data by /mnt or /media or wherever it's mounted.
Sometimes it's even mounted in /home.

$ grep music /etc/fstab
/dev/sda11   /mnt/music	  ext3  noatime,defaults   0 2 
/dev/sdb12   /home/music  ext4  noatime,defaults   0 2

$ ls -hAl ~/VirtualBox\ VMs 
/home/rocketmouse/VirtualBox VMs -> /mnt/winos/VirtualBox VMs/

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