keyboard turned erratic

bd bdebreil at
Mon Jul 6 13:25:04 UTC 2015

Le 06/07/2015 12:53, Colin Law a écrit :
> On 6 July 2015 at 11:38, bd <bdebreil at> wrote:
>> Hi to Everyone,
>> I am using Ubuntu 14.04 on a Clevo laptop. Before this, I used 13.04 (since
>> about 18 months) and I never encountered any such problem, no such problem
>> either on 14.04 until 2 days ago (I am using it since last february).
>> Since I am mostly using French, my keyboard is in 'AZERTY' instead of
>> QUERTY. Ever since 2-3 days ago, it often switches unexpecteldly to QUERTY
> Possibly
> Colin
Thanks for this reply. This must be the explanation. I wonder why I did 
not notice this strange behaviour earlier. At this time, I keep the 
keyboard system to "none" instead of "ibus" previously, and this seems 
to work...


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