Tom H
tomh0665 at
Fri Jan 30 12:06:51 UTC 2015
On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 2:46 PM, Linda <haniganwork at> wrote:
> Thanks I had found some of these but didn't know about the man page. I am
> still not finding a place where the global defaults are set maybe they are
> written into the code. I guess I'll have to settle for making the changes
> in .bashrc for each user.
>From "man dircolors": "a precompiled database is used".
If the users haven't been created yet, you can change "/etc/skel/.bashrc".
However, if you just want to change the colors, you could create
"~/.dircolors" (and "/etc/skel/.dircolors") and the default
"~/.bashrc" will pick it up.
If you want to set the same colors for all users, you could create an
"/etc/dircolors" (or "/etc/dir_colors" or "/etc/DIRCOLORS" or
"/etc/DIR_COLORS" or ...) and use eval "$(dircolors -b <file>)" to
load it from "/etc/bash.bashrc". I'm surprised that Ubuntu doesn't do
that by default. For example, Gentoo's default "/etc/bash/bashrc"
loads "/etc/DIR_COLORS" if it exists.
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