Still screwing with HP1020

Colin Law clanlaw at
Thu Jan 29 08:59:33 UTC 2015

On 28 January 2015 at 22:36, Chris <cpollock at> wrote:
> On Wed, 2015-01-28 at 21:38 +0000, Colin Law wrote:
>> On 28 January 2015 at 21:11, Chris <cpollock at> wrote:
>> > [snipped loads of stuff showing assorted errors]
>> It all seems consistent with something like an intermittent
>> connection.  Sometimes it is able to connect, sometimes it isn't, and
>> when it connects there are further errors so that it does not print.
>> Have you got another PC you can try it in?  It doesn't have to be Windows.
>> Colin
> Unfortunately I don't Colin. I'm going to muck around with blowing out
> connectors on the PC and the connector on the printer though all the USB
> ports on the PC seem to be working ok as everything plugged into them
> works.

Boot off a Ubuntu live CD/USB and try   tail -f /var/log/syslog while
plugging in the printer again.  See if you get the errors there still.
If so then I think that makes it strongly likely it is hardware.
Since the usb ports seem to work ok with other devices it seems most
likely to be the printer or cable.  I think the only way of being
certain would be to try it on another PC though.


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