help--putting ubuntu on android phone

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Sat Feb 21 10:47:38 UTC 2015


Am Freitag, den 20.02.2015, 20:08 +0100 schrieb Liam Proven:
> On 20 February 2015 at 18:01, Robert Schwab <rschwab at> wrote:
> > I had read online about installing ubuntu on an android phone, bought a
> > Samsung Note 3, got it rooted but I am so far unable to install Ubuntu.
> > Could anyone offer advice or know of someone who could help?
> You can't.
you can ;)

> It's an unfinished product and only supports a couple of models -- one
> Motorola, one or two Google Nexus devices and the new BQ Aquaris,
> which has already sold out.

The Aquaris 4.5 isn't sold out, but it is only sold in some flash sales
with a limited number of phones available during each of these sale

There will be more of these flash sales during the next weeks that will
be announced on the social media accounts (twitter, facebook and G+) of
the Ubuntu and "bqreaders" accounts, so everyone who wants to buy one
can do that.

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