Kernel 'bisection'
Liam Proven
lproven at
Tue Feb 17 14:55:58 UTC 2015
On 14 February 2015 at 17:50, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> wrote:
> You Liam, I would think would know what that is, but when you are building
> your own kernels, and the next version you build doesn't work, you backup
> to an older version that does work, then apply half of the patches in the
> same sequence as they were applied to get from one that works to one that
> doesn't to build an intermediate kernel & see if it works, if not, next
> pass only applies 1/4 of the patches, or if it does work, apply 1/4 of the
> remaining patches. In 8 or maybe 9 such builds you can nail it down to
> the specific patch that broke it. Successive approximation, works well
> for finding bad patches. Works well if you are following the -rc# as they
> are released, but it does get cumbersome to find whu a 2.6.32 works, but a
> 3.18 doesn't. That may take twice the builds.
I don't build my own kernels, though, and haven't done this century.
Sure, I used to in the mid-1990s, when you had to do that kind of
fooling around, but things, as I keep telling you and you resolutely
keep utterly ignoring, have moved on since then.
Liam Proven • Profile:
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