Installing Ubuntu 14.04 on Transcend MSA370 TS32GMSA370

Amichai Rotman amichai at
Tue Dec 29 18:13:58 UTC 2015

Hi All,

I got a new motherboard for my Linux box - a Gigabyte GA-B75-D3V (rev. 1.2)
[1]. As you can see in the picture, it has an on-board mSATA socket.

I was thinking: why not buy an mSATA drive and use  it as my System drive?

Currently, my Root Partition (/) is 30Gb in size, 14Gb of which are free
(49%!), including the /var/log and other system folders...

   1. How do I check for the absolute system usage size, so I can make sure
   a 32Gb mSATA drive is big enough?
   2. Is it a good idea to move the Root partition (/) to an SSD drive?
   3. If yes - how do I move the partition to another device?
   4. What do I need to do, if anything, after moving the partition?
   5. I found this drive for a nice price:  Transcend MSA370 TS32GMSA370
   [2]. Is it compatible with Ubuntu?

Any shared experience, pointers, pitfalls etc. are greatly appreciated!



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