ping questions

Colin Law clanlaw at
Tue Dec 22 16:39:38 UTC 2015

On 22 December 2015 at 16:30, Karl Auer <kauer at> wrote:
> On Tue, 2015-12-22 at 15:29 +0000, Colin Law wrote:
>> Traceroute will show how far it gets.
>> [...]
>> So the router is replying directly even when pinged from inside.
>> However when I do it from outside I see a list which starts ok and
>> ends up with
>> [...]
>> Which says to me that my ISP (plusnet) is blocking ping.  So I see
>> exactly the same issue as the OP.
> No you don't.
> The OP cam ping his static address from outside when his PC is turned
> on, but he cannot ping his static address when his PC is turned off.
> Actually he said "logged in", but we don't know exactly what that means.
> All we know for certain is that his PC must be at least switched on.

I realise now that the OP's initial post is ambiguous, though I
suspect that my interpretation is the correct one.  Robert can you
clarify please?


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