OT- Libreoffice - Base / Writer will this work?

P. Echols p.echo926 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 19:15:44 UTC 2015


Question is whether what I describe below is possible / reasonable using
Libreoffice Base and Writer.  Part 1 is setting up the database, part 2 is
importing data into writer, which is what I need.  Since Part 1 is time
consuming, I don't want to start if I cannot get the desired result.

I manage projects where I need to generate written reports, action
requests, etc. with project specific information.  Because of my existing
extensive library of forms, I need to stay with LO writer.

I know it is possible to set up a database with a single table, each record
having the data for one project.  Insert fields for that db into a
template, and then open the template and select the particular record to

BUT, in my project, there are two items that require a list more
appropriate for a linked table.  Imagine a report about an author.  Details
specific to that author are from the "AuthorInfo" table, the author's
bibliography is a separate table and publishers are another table.  I need
to be able to generate a Writer template that will import the individual
fields from the AuthorInfo table, but also allow inserting the bibliography
and publisher info as if pasting in a spreadsheet.

Has anyone done this?  I have a sense of the difficulty of Part 1, how
difficult is Part 2?
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