Problem still exits on Bios not seeing my CD/dvd drive

listascorreo at listascorreo at
Thu Dec 10 15:47:28 UTC 2015

El 23/12/15 a las 18:46, Larry escribiĆ³:
> On 11/23/2015 6:00 PM, Rashkae wrote:
>> On 15-12-23 05:20 PM, Larry wrote:
>>> NO I am not burning the .iso to a CD only to my USB Pendrive...
>> The terminology here is confusing.  You say CD/DVD drive in the subject,
>> and you use the word burn, so someone not reading between the lines will
>> assume you are trying to create a bootable CD.
>> Are you using Unetbootin ( to transfer the
>> iso to a USB stick?
> Yes I did mention my CD/DVD drive, for that problem is that the BIOS is
> not seeing this drive, as for creating a bootable CD I have 7 of cd's
> that I have had no problems when used on my desktop...
> But this laptop that I am trying to get Linux on the, Asus X553ma will
> not see the CD drive nor can I get the thumb drive to work...It boots
> off of the USB thumb drive shows the start up screen, but stops saying
> this.
> BusyBox (ubuntu 1;1.22.0-9 UBUNTU1) Built in shell (ash)
> (initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system...
> Thats all I can tell you...
> Just wish I could get the BIOS to see the CD drive...
> Yes I have tried Unetbootin and another one, yet the problem still is
> here...
> Thanks Larry
Intente lo siguiente:

Deshabilite iommu en la BIOS.

booteƩ desde el CD a ver si sirve.

Si sirve, entonces en el archivo /boot/grub/grub.cfg agregue iommu=soft 
en la linea:

     linux    /vmlinuz... ro  quiet iommu=soft

Y luego habilite iommu en la BIOS.


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