Latest AirCrack, Reaver & PixieWps ?

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Thu Dec 3 11:55:41 UTC 2015

02 December 2015  at 21:45, Brandon Tomlinson wrote:
Re: Latest AirCrack, Reaver & Pixie (at least in part)


>What is your Ubuntu release? I´m guessing 14.04  or older since it´s the only
>one that doesn´t have 1.2 according to

>If that is the case, you´ll need to use a release that also has 1.2.
>Everything seems to have reaver 1.4 (the newest and final release). 

So I need to wait for 16.04 LTS then? or can the Aircrack from say WilyWereWolf 
be used? if so how

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