Weather app ???
dmcgarrett at
Tue Dec 1 18:09:25 UTC 2015
On 12/01/2015 11:02 AM, Larry wrote:
> On 12/01/2015 10:55 AM, Colin Law wrote:
>> On 1 December 2015 at 15:48, Larry <larryesu at> wrote:
>>> On 12/01/2015 02:55 AM, Colin Law wrote:
>>>> On 30 November 2015 at 23:50, Larry <larryesu at> wrote:
>>>>> On 11/30/2015 06:00 PM, Liam Proven wrote:
>>>>>> On 30 November 2015 at 23:34, Larry <larryesu at> wrote:
>>>>>>> So were to go from here is beyond me as to how I can get it working...
>>>>>> If you've installed it:
>>>>>> Run it!
>>>>>> Run it once -- Windows+A, type Indicator in the box, wait for it to
>>>>>> populate and look for the icon for MWA. Once you've run it once, it
>>>>>> appears in your menu bar's notification area, and you can customise it
>>>>>> with a right-click. It should stay theere.
>>>>> Well I did say that I had installed it, but in my /temp file it shows
>>>>> this
>>>>> "My-Weather-Indicator.desktop" (in green) thats all.
>>>>> These are the commands I used to install it.
>>>>> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/atareao
>>>>> sudo apt-get update
>>>>> sudo apt-get install my-weather-indicator
>>>>> Yet after do the above I do not see where I can activate the app...???
>>>> Does it not appear if you follow Liam's suggestion above (hit
>>>> Windows=A and type indicator, or something similar)? That is the
>>>> standard way of finding apps in Unity.
>>>> Colin
>>> Colin -- I am not sure what Liam means, does he mean for me to use the
>>> windows key+the letter A in a terminal or what...???
>> I presume you are using Ubuntu with Unity (with the launcher icons
>> down the side of the screen). This is the assumption since you just
>> said 'Ubuntu". No, not in a terminal. In fact you don't even need
>> the A, just hit the Windows key and it will bring up the Dash home
>> showing both files and apps. If you hold down the Win key and hit A
>> then it shows just apps.
>> If you have been using Ubuntu and did not know that you have been
>> missing a great deal.
>> If you hold down the win key it will show you the hot keys available.
>> Colin
> I am using KUBUNTU, and when I hold down the win key, nothing happens that I can see..
> Larry
If you are using Kubuntu, you have a KDE desktop. The instructions I gave for putting a US Weather Service icon on the desktop should work.
Then you can stop fooling around with that other app that seems to be a problem.
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