loadbalance router

Emiliano Vazquez emilianovazquez at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 17:24:17 UTC 2015

El 12/08/15 a las 10:43, tux john escibiĆ³:
> Dear Emiliano thanks for your reply.
> it has to be on ubuntu and in general in the debian family to be able 
> to run.
> No vm.
There is a hardware running linux.

> I got plenty of solutions for that such as pf from openbsd, pfense,etc.
> It has to be in ubuntu though.
Do you have any plans in future? those solutions are out of the box and 
works well and when you use one of them you will learn about iptables, 
router, dns and tcp/ip in general.

If you insist in use debian family maybe you can post your problems here 
and we will try to help you.

Best regards.


Emiliano Vazquez | PcCentro Informatica & CCTV
Office: +54 (11) 4635-3218 y Rotativas

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