loadbalance router

Emiliano Vazquez emilianovazquez at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 13:26:25 UTC 2015

El 12/08/15 a las 09:04, tux john escibiĆ³:
> Since i could not make it work with the examples from LARTC i came to 
> this list for some help, please. 
John, OpenWRT is a great Linux distribution for routers.
There is a nice tool called mwan3[1]  that can manage 250 WANs using 
VLANs and is a great replacement for your problem.
The uptime of a router is always better than a hardware like 
Mother+Micro+Memory+Power. there is a lot of problems and the downtime 
is much faster and safer if you can backup your configuration in a few 
seconds. You only have to create a backup of the current and working 
configuration and then if you have any problem restore to the same 
device or another in the same version.

The only bad think is there is a low cpu and this can't use squid3 for 
more than 4 users.

There is a lot of howtos about this [2] and a fully hardware support [3]

Best regards.

[1] http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/mwan3
[2] http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/start
[3] http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/start

Emiliano Vazquez | PcCentro Informatica & CCTV
Office: +54 (11) 4635-3218 y Rotativas

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