How Come I Cannot Download the Latest Ubuntu 15.04 Desktop?

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Sat Aug 8 11:25:40 UTC 2015

Am Samstag, den 08.08.2015, 19:14 +0800 schrieb Teo En Ming:

> I tried to do a "sudo do-release-upgrade", but my Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS says
> Checking for a new Ubuntu release
> No new release found
> What should I do?
by default LTS releases will only offer upgrades to other LTS releases
(and 14.04 is the latest LTS so there is nothing to upgrade to yet) ...

to change that settings, open the software-properties from your system
settings and in the "Updates" tab use the most bottom option ("Notify me
of a new Ubuntu version:") to enable "For any new version" ... then
update-manager or do-release-update will allow you to upgrade to 15.04.

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