Okay, I give up… how to connect my (Android) phone properly (MTP)?

Petter Adsen petter at synth.no
Tue Aug 4 12:58:41 UTC 2015

On Tue, 4 Aug 2015 14:33:09 +0200
Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knugum at gmail.com> wrote:

> 2015-08-04 13:30 GMT+02:00 Petter Adsen <petter at synth.no>:
> > I take this to mean that you replace DEVICE with the device node and
> > LOCATION with where you want to mount it, but I might be wrong.
> >
> Yes, that should be what it means, but it didn't work. The line I tried was:
> gvfs-mount -d /dev/bus/usb/001/013 ${HOME}/Desktop/MyPhone
> but it mounted it at the usual place without any kind of error message (the
> few times it mounted it at all).

OK, that is surprising. Bug, maybe? I really don't know, and the man
page is exceptionally unhelpful. It doesn't seem possible to interact
with gvfs file systems in a sane way, you are instructed to use
gvfs-copy, gvfs-rm etc, so you might be out of luck here. Try to file a
bug against gvfs-bin and see what the developers have to say. Either
things do not work as expected, or the man page is at best misleading.


"I'm ionized"
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive."
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