ubunt 15.04 still problems with kate & fish

Colin Law clanlaw at gmail.com
Mon Aug 3 19:52:33 UTC 2015

On 3 August 2015 at 20:33, robert rottermann <robert at redcor.ch> wrote:
>  Hi there,
> some month ago I got help regarding the fact that the kate editor does not
> really support the fish protocol from its file open dialog.
> the following does not work:
> when I try to open a remote file from kates open dialog:
> File name:fish://root@urgestein/etc/hosts
> i get a error box with the following error message:
> hosts
> File not found.
> Please verify the correct file name was given.
> however, if I load the same file from the command line:
> robert at lappi:~$ kate fish://root@urgestein/etc/hosts
> the file is loaded as expected.
> now I would like to file a ticket, hoping that this probably minor "defect"
> is fixed for the upcoming 15.1 release.
> But I do knot know where I can file such a ticket.

Assuming you are using Kubuntu then this should explain how to do it

If you run kate from the command line (with no file opening) and then
attempt the open it via Open does it work, and if not is there
anything useful in the console?


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